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Brexit may have domino effect on EU members: Analyst

People pass by the office of the representation of the European Commission in Germany in Berlin on June 24, 2016. (Photo by AFP)

A US-based analyst says Britain's exit from the European Union may have a domino effect on the Spaniards, the Greeks and the Portuguese as well as some other countries to decide to leave the EU.

The EU has been a creation of international bankers and corporations and it was not really about social community or union, Dean Henderson, an author with the Big Oil and Their Bankers from Missouri said in an interview with Press TV on Saturday.

The UK has chosen to leave the EU after more than 51 percent of Britons voted in favor of exiting from the 28-member bloc in a historic referendum on June 23. 

Henderson also described the bloc as a market that provided power and profit for the bankers and corporations, but it did not work for the people in the green continent.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he said the international bankers created the refugee crisis by instigating insecurity in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan as part of their plan to destroy the European Union.

Referring to the so-called special relations between the UK and the US, he mentioned the relation is in disarray, 

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