Iraqi army retakes northern parts of Hit in Anbar

Iraqi forces have launched a broad offensive to retake the city of Hit from the Daesh terrorists in the western province of Anbar. AFP

Here is a round-up of global news developments:

  • Iraqi forces have taken control of the northern edge of the city of Hit in Anbar province after heavy clashes with Daesh terrorists. The army says the terrorists have planted hundreds of roadside bombs and booby traps along main roads leading in and out of the city.
  • The United Nations refugee agency has warned that necessary safeguards are not in place for implementing the deal that was reached recently between Turkey and the EU. Under the agreement, Greece will begin to deport 750 refugees from the Lesbos Island to the Turkish port of Dikili on Monday.
  • The president of the European Parliament says the EU should not make concessions to Turkey over QUOTE rights violations and restrictions on freedom of speech. Martin Schulz says Ankara's implementation of a refugee deal with the EU must not influence the bloc’s stance on the situation of human rights in Turkey.
  • Protesters have clashed with the police at the Brenner border crossing between Austria and Italy. Police used batons and pepper spray to disperse demonstrators who are protesting against proposed border controls to stop the refugees from leaving Italy.
  • An autopsy on a slain Palestinian indicates the man died after being shot in the head, not because of the injuries he sustained in an alleged anti-Israeli attack. The autopsy was conducted under the supervision of Israel’s Supreme Court. Abdul Fatah al-Sharif was shot by an Israeli soldier on March 24.
  • The Syrian army has retaken control of the town of Qarya-tayn in Homs province from Daesh terrorists. Army forces and allied fighters attacked the terrorists' strongholds in the town from multiple directions. Qarya-tayn was overrun by Daesh in August 2015.
  • Fresh clashes have erupted between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in the disputed Karabakh region. This comes despite a unilateral truce announced by Baku earlier in the day. Authorities in the two countries are blaming each other for the renewed fighting.
  • Days of heavy rainfall across northwestern Pakistan have left 53 people dead and 60 others injured. The rain has caused the roofs of dozens of homes to collapse. Officials say the death toll is expected to rise. Flooding has also hit huge tracts of farmland.

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