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Syrian forces make major advances in northeast

Syrian soldiers and local pro-government fighters patrol the Handarat region, located just north of Aleppo, after recapturing the area on December 31, 2014 (AFP photo).

Syria’s Army has made major advances against the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group in the country’s northeast.

Backed by the National Defense Forces, which is a volunteer branch of the nation's Armed Forces, the Army troopers made gains in al-Hasakah Province, where they retook several areas from the group in the western and southwestern regions of the provincial capital, also named Hasakah.

Moreover, parts of the Abdulaziz Mountains there were recaptured and many ISIL positions in the Qabr Shamiyah village were destroyed.

Thanks to the advances, the Army can now target the supply routes used by the terrorist group.

A Syrian soldier from the Republican Guard commando battalion drives a tank in the restive Jobar area in eastern Damascus on March 25, 2015 (AFP photo).


Takfiri terrorists have, over the past few months, repeatedly attacked the strategic province, which serves as the corridor to Syria’s eastern border with Iraq.

On Wednesday, the official Syrian Arab News Agency reported that the Army, in cooperation with the popular defense groups, had taken full control of the al-Shoula village in the province’s western countryside.

Syria has been grappling with a deadly crisis since March 2011. The violence fueled by Takfiri groups has so far claimed the lives of over 222,000 people, according to the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) says over 7.2 million people have been internally displaced, and more than 3 million have been forced to flee the country.

The Takfiris currently control parts of Syria and Iraq. They have threatened all communities, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Izadi Kurds and others, as they continue their atrocities in Iraq and Syria.


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