Press TV has interviewed Colin Cavell, an author and lecturer from Bluefield, to discuss the recent arrest of a prominent Bahraini human rights activist, Nabeel Rajab, by the Manama regime.
The political commentator believes that the global human rights organizations are fully aware of the fact that the activists like Rajab are paying a high price of telling the truth about the ongoing abuses in Bahrain.
Bahrain’s Al Kahalifa dynasty has a long history of torturing and imprisoning activists who oppose its tyrannical rule over the Persian Gulf country, Colin Cavell says.
He also adds that the Al Khalifa regime is becoming increasingly scared of the popular uprising as it has no support among the masses of Bahraini people.
The analyst criticizes the United States for remaining silent on the ongoing human rights violations across Bahrain, saying Washington and its allies have adopted a contradictory stance on the issue of human rights abuses in countries like Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.