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Pakistan army kills 15 ‘militants’ in Balochistan

The file photo shows pro-Taliban militants.

At least 15 suspected militants and one Pakistani army soldier have been killed during an exchange of fire in the country’s southwestern region.

A Pakistani intelligence official, whose name was not mentioned in the report, said the militants, who were from the Baloch Liberation Front, were killed in the town of Basima, located southwest of Quetta, the capital of Balochistan Province, on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Pakistani Frontier Corps said at least “15 miscreants were killed during a clash with security forces.”

About three other Pakistani forces were also wounded in the incident.

Security forces reportedly managed to seize a large amount of arms and ammunition from the militants.

According to Pakistani intelligence officials, the militants were involved in subversive activities, including targeted bombings and killings, in the area.

The Pakistani army started an operation against militant hideouts in North Waziristan last June, after a deadly raid on the Karachi International Airport ended the government’s faltering peace talks with pro-Taliban militants.

The semi-autonomous tribal regions on Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan have been a hideout for Takfiri militant groups, including al-Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban, during the past years.

Pakistan intensified its anti-terror campaign following a December 16, 2014, attack on an army-run school in the city of Peshawar, which claimed the lives of about 150 people.

Since 2001, when the Pakistani government entered an alliance with the US in its so-called war on terror, many Pakistanis have lost their lives in bombings and other militant attacks in the country.


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