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Canada imposes sanctions on more IRGC members, Iran's law enforcement officials over rights violations claims

A police motorcycle burns during a protest over the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian woman, in Tehran, Iran on September 19, 2022. (Via Reuters)

Canada adds more Iranian individuals and companies to its sanctions list, targeting the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and law enforcement forces, over what Ottawa claims to be systematic human rights violations and production of drones and ballistic missiles.

According to a Monday statement by the Canadian government, Canada's latest round of sanctions against Iran, the 10th since October, includes two entities and eight individuals.

 It added that the new sanctions also target senior Iranian officials involved in production of unmanned aerial vehicle and ballistic missile. The sanctions come amid the West's accusations that the Islamic Republic provided Russia with drones to be used by Moscow against Ukraine. The Islamic Republic has, on repeated occasions, roundly rejected Washington's allegations, saying it has not sold any weapons and drones to be used in the war against Ukraine.

The statement by the Canadian government claimed that the sanctioned entities support the Iranian government by helping it "disrupt and manipulate the online communications" of protesters, or by supplying the law enforcement forces with tactical equipment used in the alleged suppression of demonstrations.

Foreign-backed riots broke out in Iran in late September after the death of a young Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini. She fainted at a police station and was pronounced dead days later on September 16 at a Tehran hospital.

An official report by Iran’s Legal Medicine Organization concluded that Amini’s death had been caused by illness rather than alleged blows to the head or other vital body organs.

Canada had previously placed sanctions against Iranian officials and entities, but experts have questioned how effective they are.

Iran’s intelligence community has said several countries, including the United States and the UK, have used their spy and propaganda apparatuses to provoke violent riots in the country.

Rioters went on a rampage, brutally attacking security officers and causing massive damage to public property. Dozens of people and security personnel were killed in the riots. 

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