Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei meets with Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi (L) in Tehran on April 6, 2019. (Photo by

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 1800 GMT, April 6, 2019 to 0800 GMT, April 7, 2019.

US Iraq presence

The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution has called on Iraq’s government to ensure US troops leave the Arab country as soon as possible. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the US has a long-term plan beyond a mere military presence in Iraq and is seeking to form a government, similar to military governments during the first years after the 2003 invasion. The Leader stressed that the US troops’ presence runs counter to regional nations’ interests. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks during a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi in Tehran. Iran’s leader also said ties between Tehran and Baghdad are beyond relations between the two neighbors, and Iran considers Iraq's progress and prosperity as its own interest. Abdul-Mahdi, for his turn, said the two countries have stood alongside each other during hard times. He added that the victory against Daesh, which was achieved through Iran’s support, is the latest example of such cooperation.

Algeria politics

Algeria’s parliament will convene next week to officially name an interim president following Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s stepping down from power. The legislative body in a statement said the meeting of the two chambers of parliament will be held on Tuesday. Algeria's constitution stipulates that the speaker of the upper house of parliament, currently 77-year-old Abdelkader Bensalah, must take the presidential reins. He is to serve for up to 90 days, during which a presidential election must be organized. Bouteflika resigned on Tuesday after weeks of demonstrations triggered by his bid for a fifth term in office.

Venezuela crisis

The Venezuelan president has called on several regional countries to help set up a national dialog on the ongoing crisis in his country. Nicolas Maduro made the remarks among thousands of his supporters. Pro-government protesters took to the streets in the capital Caracas, voicing their anger at US meddling in Venezuela’s internal affairs. In the meantime, thousands of demonstrators gathered in a different part of the city in support of opposition figure Juan Guaido. Guaido and his backers accuse Maduro’s government of wrecking the economy while the Venezuelan president blames Washington for seeking a regime change in his country.

Libya war

The head of Libya's Western-backed government accuses renegade general Khalifa Haftar of betraying him following a military offensive against the capital Tripoli. Fayez al-Sarraj said armed forces have been given orders to deal with the threats. He also said Haftar and his forces will be brought to local and international courts. Forces loyal to Haftar briefly took control of an airport near Tripoli in the north. But government forces used airstrikes to repel them. The general has ordered his troops to continue their march on Tripoli. Meanwhile, the United Nations Security Council called on him to stop all military movements.

Israeli settlements

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to annex settlements in the occupied West Bank if he wins another term in the upcoming general elections. Netanyahu says he has made it clear to US President Donald Trump that he would not remove the settlements or a single settler from the West Bank. The remarks have immediately drawn reactions from Palestinian officials. A Palestinian Authority spokesman says any measures will not change the facts because the settlements are illegal and they will be removed. The resistance movement, Hamas has also slammed Netanyahu’s comments, saying his dreams of annexing the West Bank will never come true. Meanwhile, Israel’s higher planning committee has approved the construction of 770 new settler units in the West Bank city of Bethlehem. All Israeli settlements are illegal under international law.

Brexit deadlock

British Prime Minister Theresa May has defended her talks with the opposition Labour party to end the deadlock over the exit deal with the European Union. In a statement, May said that an agreement with Labour will be the only way to get a parliamentary majority on Brexit. The Conservative premier said she has agreed with Labour on major aspects of a compromise. But Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said his party’s demands are yet to be met. Conservative rebels have warned May of impeachment if her request for a second extension of the Brexit deadline forces the UK to take part in the European parliamentary elections next month.

Iran flood relief

Relief operations are in full swing in Iran’s flood-stricken areas as state and military institutions as well as people are working round the clock to reach out to the victims. Flash floods caused by torrential rains have affected much of the country over the past couple of weeks. Aid workers as well as volunteers are pressing ahead with relief operations. One of the worst-hit areas is southern Khuzestan province where fresh flood warnings have been issued. Evacuation orders remain in place for homes near river banks and in areas at high risk of flooding. Large areas remain inundated as the affected citizens are trying to cope with the situation.

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