Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi

Here is a brief look at Press TV Newsroom's headlines from 0900 GMT to 1700 GMT, October 1, 2018.


Iran fight against terror

Iran says the attacks carried out against terrorist positions in Syria shows Tehran’s strong resolution in its fight against terrorism. Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said all countries need to be serious in their fight against terrorism. Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps attacked terrorists in eastern Syria with ballistic missiles and drones. In a statement, the IRGC said the attack was in retaliation for last week’s terror attack in the Iranian city of Ahvaz. Last Saturday, five terrorists attacked a military parade in Ahvaz and opened fire at the crowd, killing 25 people. Many civilians, including a four year old boy, were among the victims.

Dismissing Netanyahu ‘lies’

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has rejected as lies the claims made by the Israeli prime minister that Iran is conducting secret atomic activities near Tehran. Ali Akbar Salehi said Benjamin Netanyahu became an object of ridicule at the UN General Assembly, where he claimed Iran was engaged in nuclear activities in Turquzabad area. Salehi said even the International Atomic Energy Agency, the IAEA, has raised no questions regarding that area. Salehi also rejected Netanyahu’s claim that he is in possession of documents leaked from Iran. He said no documents, whatsoever, have leaked out of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

West Bank strike

Palestinians in the West Bank go on a general strike to protest Israel’s so-called Nation State Law. The industrial action was called by all Palestinian political factions to express solidarity with non-Jewish citizens of the occupied territories. Israel passed a law in July, declaring itself as the nation-state of the Jewish people. The law also removed Arabic’s status as an official language. The move drew widespread criticism, with many describing it as a solidification of the apartheid nature of the Israeli regime.

Iran’s security

The commander of the Aerospace Division of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps says the nation's security is a red line. Brigadier General Amir Ali Haji-zadeh said the Islamic Republic will not take a step back in the face of threats against its security. General Hajizadeh said Iran responded with missiles to the terrorists’ bullets. He stressed that the country will give a tenfold response to any hostile move against it. General Hajizadeh said the enemies must learn from Iran’s crushing response to the terrorists and stop supporting them. He added, Iran will continue its fight until terrorism is completely eradicated.

‘Unjust US sanctions’

The Turkish president has slammed the US anti-Iran sanctions as unjust. Recep Tayyip Erdogan said excluding Iran from regional matters is wrong. Erdogan added, the U-S is going down the wrong path by threatening and using blackmail instead of dialog. He noted that it’s impossible for any country to trust Washington. Erdogan said the U-S has lost credibility by engaging in a global trade war, as well. He said fluctuations in the lira do not reflect economic reality. The Turkish president added, his country is on the verge of overcoming attacks on its economy.

Catalonia referendum anniversary

Pro-independence protesters in Catalonia stage a rally to mark the first anniversary of the region’s banned independence referendum. The demonstrators marched in the streets of Barcelona, waving Catalan flags and pro-independence banners. Earlier, another group of protesters staged a mass sit-in, blocking major roads and a high-speed railway line in north of the city. In another part of the city, pro-independence protesters took part in a re-enactment of the banned vote. Last year, Catalans voted in favor of independence from Spain. But the Spanish government annulled the vote and declared it illegal. The organizers of the referendum are now in jail or exile and the situation is still tense.

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