In this file photo taken on July 11, 2018, protesters hold signs as Ravi Ragbir, of the New Sanctuary Coalition, speaks at a press conference to spotlight the impact of the government’s stalling tactics immigrant families on July 11, 2018 in New York. (Photo by AFP)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 1800 GMT, July 27, 2018 to 0800 GMT, July 28, 2018.

US judge demands family reunion

A US judge has called on government officials to find deported immigrant parents and reunite them with their children. Dana Sabraw was referring to 711 migrant children who have not yet been returned to their parents despite a court-ordered deadline. The US government lawyers say the kids were not eligible to be reunited with their parents. The White House, however, says it met the deadline and reunited some 1800 children with family members. The Trump administration separated more than 2500 children from undocumented adults at the border with Mexico earlier this year. This was in line with its so-called zero tolerance policy on illegal immigration which was suspended last month after a fierce backlash.

UN report on refugee deaths

The United Nations migration agency says the number of refugees who drowned in the Mediterranean has surpassed 1500, for the fifth straight year. The IOM said deaths in the western Mediterranean have reached devastating levels. That is one death for every 19 attempts to reach Italy from Libya. The European Union has hugely cut back funding of Mediterranean rescue operations in a bid to stem migration by sea. This has triggered criticism from human rights groups who say the policy comes at a moral cost.

Athens under fire

Recent deadly wildfires in Greece have fanned the flames of discord between the government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his opponents. The main opposition party criticized the government’s Thursday presser where it stopped short of apologizing for the tragedy. It also accused Athens of failing to protect lives. During that news conference, Civil Protection Minister Nikos Toskas said the government suspected arson was behind Monday night's blaze. Under mounting pressure, the premier has now assumed political responsibility for the incident described as the deadliest in decades.

Saudi war on Yemen

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have resumed airstrikes on Yemen’s port city of Hudaydah. The Yemeni media say the overnight airstrikes hit a radio station, a market and a fishing pier. There are no reports of casualties yet. Saudi Arabia and the UAE launched an operation on June 12 to take control of Hudaydah from Yemen’s Ansarullah forces and their allies. They halted the operation earlier this month. Friday’s airstrikes came after Yemeni forces said they had attacked Saudi and Emirati targets on Wednesday and Thursday. No casualties were reported in the attacks that are the latest in response to the Saudi war. Nearly 15,000 Yemenis have so far been killed in the Saudi-led war on the country since 2015.

California wildfire

US fire officials say at least two firefighters have died battling a rapidly growing wildfire in California. The blaze grew by about sixty percent overnight causing mass evacuations in northern parts of the state. It burned homes and businesses and knocked out power. Firefighters have so far been unable to contain the raging flames. The so-called Carr Fire was sparked by the mechanical failure of a vehicle. Emergency efforts are being hindered by extreme heat exhaustion and stroke. There are no immediate reports on civilian casualties.

Israel Gaza killings

A Palestinian teen who was wounded during Friday’s anti-occupation rally in the Gaza Strip has succumbed to his injuries. 17-year-old Mo'men al-Homs was shot in the chest near the southern Gaza town of Rafah. Israeli forces shot dead two other Palestinians, including a child, on Friday. According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, over 100 others were injured by Israeli snipers. The rally was held to condemn Israel’s targeting of Palestinian children during anti-occupation protests. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been holding weekly rallies since March 30 to highlight the right to return to their homeland. 155 people have been killed by Israeli soldiers since the beginning of the rallies.

Pakistan elections

In Pakistan, a group of political parties has rejected the outcome of Wednesday's general elections, demanding new polls. The protest comes amid allegations of rigging in favor of Imran Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf party. Rival parties claim that the military had fixed the ground for the former international cricket star to win the election. They say the vote is the dirtiest one ever held in Pakistan. However, Khan has hailed it as the fairest election in the country’s history. Defeated parties have vowed to stage street protests until their demand for new elections is met.


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