Thousands rally in Yemen against Saudi blockade. (File photo)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 09:00 GMT to 17:00 GMT, November 13, 2017.


Yemen anti-Saudi rally

Thousands of Yemenis have staged a demonstration in the capital Sana’a, denouncing the ongoing Saudi blockade on the impoverished country. The protesters, who gathered outside the United Nations office, also slammed Riyadh for its relentless aerial attacks on their country. The rally was organized after Saudi Arabia intensified its blockade, closing all Yemeni ports. The naval blockade comes as the Saudis and their allies pound Yemen with daily airstrikes and ground assaults. The UN has warned that the world will witness one of its worst humanitarian catastrophes soon if the siege is not lifted. The Saudi war on Yemen has claimed the lives of over 13,000 people since it began in 2015.

Plight of Rohingya

The International Organization for Migration has released yet another shocking report on the plight of Rohingya Muslims who have sought refuge in Bangladesh. The IOM says Rohingya minors work punishing hours and suffer from physical and sexual assaults. The report says 55 percent of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are children and kids as young as seven years old are working outside overcrowded camps. According to IOM, labor agents target families who are forced to let their children work amid widespread malnutrition and poverty. Findings show that boys mostly work on farms, construction sites and fishing boats, while girls stay with Bangladeshi families as nannies and maids. The IOM says working children are exposed to all sorts of abuse. Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing violence and crackdown in Myanmar over the past months.

Yemen warning

Yemen’s Ansarullah movement has vowed retaliation against Saudi Arabia’s blockade on the impoverished country. President of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council Saleh al-Sammad says the Saudi-led coalition has closed all doors to peace and dialogue. He made the comments during a mass rally in the capital Sana’a, where thousands of Yemenis staged a protest against the ongoing Saudi naval blockade. Sammad said the more Riyadh tightens the blockade, the more Yemenis will improve their abilities to respond. The naval blockade comes as the Saudis and their allies pound Yemen with daily airstrikes and ground assaults. The Saudi war on Yemen has claimed the lives of over 13,000 people since it began in 2015.

Paris terror attacks attack anniversary

France is commemorating the two-year anniversary of the deadly terror attacks in and around the country’s capital. The ceremonies began in the suburb of Saint-Denis outside the Stade de France national stadium, one of the venues targeted by terrorists. Participants were led by French President Emmanuel Macron who was accompanied by other politicians including Froncois Hollande who was the president at the time of the attacks. Elsewhere in Paris, Muslim groups paid tribute to the victims by denouncing terrorism. On November 13, 2015 mass shootings and suicide bombings took place at several public hotspots across Paris and in the city's northern suburb. Over 130 people were killed and more than 350 others wounded during the coordinated terror attacks.

Iran deadly quake

In Iran, the death toll from Sunday’s powerful earthquake that hit the country’s border with Iraq surpasses 400. At least 6,700 others have also been injured. Most of the casualties are reported in the western Iranian province of Kermanshah where the epicenter of the quake was located. Meanwhile, seven people were killed and 535 others wounded in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region. More than 150 aftershocks, some as powerful as four on the Richter scale, have rattled the quake zone in Iran. Rescue efforts are still underway with army units trying to find possible survivors trapped under the rubble. The commander of Iran’s army who is in the area says more than 600 people have been transferred to other provinces for treatment. President Hassan Rouhani will visit Kermanshah province on Tuesday.

Dubious resignation

Head of Lebanon’s Maronite Church, Bechara el-Rai has called for the return of Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri from Saudi Arabia where he announced his resignation last week. Cardinal Bechara el-Rai said the Lebanese nation has been unsettled since Hariri’s resignation last Saturday. The Maronite priest who was heading to Saudi Arabia for a two-day visit said he would raise Hariri’s case with King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Meanwhile, Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun has welcomed Hariri’s statement and voiced hope that the prime minister will return to the country soon. Aoun noted that it seems the international campaign for Hariri’s return is bearing fruit. During an interview on Sunday, Hariri said he would return to Lebanon within days. He once again blamed Iran and the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah for his resignation.

Brexit mayhem

Tensions have intensified within the UK government ahead of a landmark vote on the Brexit bill at parliament. British Prime Minister Theresa May is facing yet another wave of criticism from her Conservative party's members on the EU Brexit conditions. She’s also likely to face defeat in the parliamentary election on the repeal bill as several Tory MPs have joined Labour in demanding a stronger say in the final Brexit deal. Meanwhile, in a leaked letter, British foreign and environmental secretaries Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have pushed May towards a hard Brexit. The leak drew a bitter response and worsened May’s struggle to maintain authority over her party since she faced a heavy defeat in June's snap election.

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