French President Emmanuel Macron speaks to the press at the end of the EU leaders' summit at the building Council of the EU, in Brussels on October 20, 2017. (Photo by AFP)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 18:00 GMT, October 20, 2017 to 08:00 GMT, October 21, 2017.

US JCPOA ‘breach’

The French president says the European Union member states are ready to do everything in their power to preserve the nuclear deal with Iran. Emmanuel Macron made the comment following an EU summit in Brussels on Friday. The French president also called for commitment to all aspects of the accord by the signatories. Macron said this meant continued economic relations with Iran and avoiding any pressure. He noted that the US decision to exert pressure on Tehran contradicted the terms of the 2015 nuclear agreement. He added that the EU would work actively with the US to convince officials in Washington to keep the deal. Macron’s comments came as British Prime Minister Theresa May once again supported the JCPOA.

Afghanistan attacks

The death toll from separate bomb attacks on two mosques in eastern and central Afghanistan has climbed to 72. One of the bombings happened at a Shia mosque in the western part of the capital city Kabul. Security officials say the attacker blew himself up inside the mosque, killing 39 people. The bomb blast is the latest in a string of attacks on the country’s Shia minority, which was claimed by Daesh Takfiri terrorists. The second bombing targeted a Sunni mosque in the central afghan province of Ghor. It killed at least 33 people. The explosion was reportedly aimed at a local leader from a political party named Jamiat.

Fatal fight in Egypt

At least 35 Egyptian police officers and soldiers are killed by Hasm militants before the government forces start a raid on their hideout. Security sources said the number of casualties from the incident in the Western Desert is expected to rise. A gun battle erupted after the forces were attacked en route to a hiding place of Hasm militants. The assailants used rocket-propelled grenades and explosive devices. The gunfire also left a number of the militants dead. After the attack Egyptian security forces searched the area for the militants. Hasm has been behind several attacks targeting judges and security forces in Egypt since last year.

Kabul rocket attacks

Two rockets have landed near the headquarters of the NATO military mission in the Afghan capital Kabul. There are so far no reports of casualties. The rocket strikes set off alarms at the NATO base as well as several foreign embassies in the area. There were also several loud explosions. Afghanistan has seen a series of deadly attacks on civilian and military targets over the past days.

Catalonia crisis

Spanish King Felipe says his country is facing an unacceptable secession attempt by Catalonia, insisting that the region will remain an essential part of Spain. Speaking at a prize-giving ceremony in northern Spain, Felipe noted that everyone must respect the Constitution and the principles of parliamentary democracy. The Spanish king added that Madrid wouldn’t give up attempts to preserve the solidarity of the country. He stressed his nation’s achievements had been made possible by a sincere desire for coexistence and understanding in compliance with the rules of democracy. Also, attending the ceremony was European Parliament President Antonio Tajani who criticized those who are sowing discord by not following the Spanish law.

Spain meeting on Catalonia 

Spain’s cabinet members are set to convene shortly to decide on stripping Catalonia of its key autonomous powers. The planned move comes as Catalan leaders refused to clarify their stance on independence. The autonomous region’s president Carles Puigdemont has urged Spanish authorities to engage in dialog. Now Madrid is planning to trigger article 155 of the constitution to impose direct rule over the wealthy region. Catalans took part in a referendum for secession over two weeks ago. Madrid declared the vote as illegal and called on Barcelona to annul the results. The European Union and the Spanish king have backed Spain’s central government, with the king slamming Catalan officials for their unacceptable separation attempts.

Puerto Rico crisis

The mayor of Puerto Rican capital San Juan has once again lashed out at the US federal government for its poor response to the recent Hurricane in the island. On Thursday, President Donald Trump awarded himself a ten out of ten when asked about his administration’s grade in responding the crisis. Now San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz says Trump does deserve a ten but in a scale of 100, which is still a failing grade. Last month, a powerful hurricane hit Puerto Rico, a territory in the North Atlantic Ocean controlled by the United States. Over a month after the disaster, more than 80 percent of the people in the island are still without electricity and hundreds of thousands don’t have access to basic needs like food and drinking water.


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