Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Mohammad Baqeri (Photo by Tasnim News Agency)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 09:00 GMT to 17:00 GMT, October 20, 2017.


Iran-Syria ties

The chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces says Daesh Takfiri terrorists’ days in Syria are numbered. Speaking during a visit to a frontline in Aleppo, Major General Mohammad Baqeri praised the resistance front’s streak of success and victories against the terrorists. He said the secret of the recent triumphs lies with the exemplary level of coordination between the resistance fighters and the Syrian army. Baqeri is on an official visit to Syria to discuss a future anti-terror strategy between Tehran and Damascus. He also held talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday.

Iraq Kirkuk operation

The Iraqi army has managed to retake last parts of the oil-rich Kirkuk province amid tension with the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region over its last month’s secession vote. Sources say Iraqi troops liberated an area called Altun Kupri, some 35 kilometers north-west of Kirkuk after clashing with Kurdish forces. They also hoisted the Iraqi national flag over the municipality building in the area. The Iraqi army has been trying to restore security in the provinces of Kirkuk, Diyala and Nineveh following Kurdistan’s controversial secession vote. Baghdad says the Kurdish move violates the territorial integrity of the Arab nation, calling on Erbil to engage in negotiations to resolve the issue. Kurds, however, say they would never cancel the outcome of the split vote.

US health insurance

A new survey has found that up to nearly three-and-a-half million Americans have no health insurance. The study, conducted by the Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index, shows the uninsured rate among adults has had a 1.4 percent surge since the beginning of 2017. Analysts attribute the rise to the Trump administration’s attempts to replace the Obamacare with a new health law and its political backlash. Experts predict that the uninsured number will continue to rise even though the sign-up season under the existing Affordable Care Act starts in November.

US nuclear, missile threats

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says US missile systems being setup on the European soil is a thorn in the side of both Russia and China. Addressing an international non-proliferation conference in Moscow, Lavrov added that Washington should return its nuclear weapons deployed in Europe to its own territory. The US launched the system in Romania last year despite repeated objection from Moscow. Lavrov, meanwhile, has called on world powers to support a roadmap proposed jointly by Moscow and Beijing to settle the crisis over North Korea's weapons program. The top Russian diplomat also hinted at Washington’s criticism of Iran’s nuclear deal, warning that its break-up would impact the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Catalonia tensions

The Spanish government has agreed with the opposition Socialists to hold regional elections in Catalonia, amid a political deadlock over the region’s push for independence. According to a Socialist party spokeswoman, the decision is part of a package of measures to temporarily impose a direct rule on Catalonia. The Spanish prime minister is also set to hold a cabinet meeting on Saturday to start the process of suspending Catalonia’s autonomy. That’s in reaction to Catalan leader’s refusal to back down from a symbolic independence declaration in the region. Madrid has also warned that it will take over Catalonia if the region continues to insist on independence. Two weeks ago, Catalans staged an independence vote the Spanish government had declared invalid.

Brexit talks

British Prime Minister Theresa May says London still has serious differences with the European Union to reach a comprehensive deal over Brexit. May, who was briefing reporters following two days of talks in Brussels, also called for a special UK partnership with the European bloc based on same set of fundamental beliefs. The British premier however said she was ambitious and positive for her country’s future and the Brexit negotiations. The remarks come as EU leaders welcomed May’s proposal on Thursday to unblock the Brexit talks. They, however, said London’s concessions to ease the fears of EU citizens living in Britain are not enough.

Ayatollah Sistani urges Iraq to protect Kurds

The representative of Iraq’s top Shia cleric says Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has called for the protection of Kurds. Abdul-Mahdi al-Karbalaie made the comments during his Friday prayer sermon. Tensions between Iraq's federal government and the Kurdistan region have escalated since Kurdish officials held a controversial secession referendum last month. Earlier on Friday, Iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga fighters traded fire along their shared border. The Iraqi troops shelled Kurdish positions north and south of Altun Kupri in Kirkuk province. The Peshmerga retaliated with rocket fire. The Iraqi army has been trying to restore security in the provinces of Kirkuk, Diyala and Nineveh following Kurdistan’s secession vote. Baghdad says the referendum was a violation of the territorial integrity of the country, calling on Erbil to engage in negotiations to resolve the issue. Kurds, however, say they will never cancel the outcome of the secession vote.

Iran nuclear deal

The Russian foreign minister reacts to the US President’s decertification of the Iran nuclear deal. Sergey Lavrov says the UN atomic agency is the only body authorized to confirm Tehran’s compliance with the accord. Lavorv warned that the deal’s collapse would jeopardize global security. He further rejected Washington’s calls for renegotiating the JCPOA saying no changes can be made to the deal without the approval of all signatories. The top Russian diplomat noted that Washington’s anti-JCPOA approach hampers efforts to resolve the ongoing crisis on the Korean Peninsula through talks. Earlier, the IAEA chief once again confirmed that Tehran is following through with its obligations under the agreement. Yukiya Amano said the agency’s inspectors have not encountered any problems in Iran as they continue their verification activities there.

Afghanistan mosque attacks

Separate attacks on two mosques in eastern and central Afghanistan have claimed scores of lives and left many more people injured. One of the attacks happened at a Shia mosque, west of the capital city Kabul. Security officials say the attacker blew himself up inside the mosque, killing at least 32 people. The suicide bombing is the latest in a string of attacks on the country’s Shia minority. Also, in a second bomb attack on a Sunni mosque in Ghor province in central Afghanistan, more than 20 other people have been killed. The blast was reportedly aimed at a local leader belonging to the political party Jamiat. So far, there have been no claims of responsibility for either of the attacks.

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