Iraqi soldiers stand at attention in western Mosul's Zanjili neighborhood on June 1, 2017 during ongoing battles between Iraqi forces to retake the city from Daesh. (Photo by AFP)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 09:00 GMT to 17:00 GMT, June 4, 2017.


Key Daesh losses

Iraqi forces have retaken more ground from Daesh as part of operations to purge the country from the terrorists. Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units, also known as Hashd al-Sha’abi, have liberated the key town of Ba’aj, west of the city of Mosul. They launched a major offensive to liberate Ba'aj and its surrounding villages and areas from Daesh back in May. The achievement shrinks Daesh-controlled areas and cuts the terrorists’ vital supply line in the border region between Iraq and Syria.

Imam Khomeini passing anniversary

Iran commemorates the 28th anniversary of the passing of the Islamic Republic’s late founder, Imam Khomeini, on Sunday. A keynote event is scheduled to be held at Imam Khomeini’s mausoleum in southern Tehran. Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei is scheduled to address the annual ceremony. The event will also be attended by top Iranian officials as well as foreign dignitaries. Imam Khomeini founded the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, following years of exile. He passed away 10 years later at the age of 87. The iconic leader led the nation’s struggle against the ruling Pahlavi monarchy.

Trump unpopularity

A new poll suggests that US president Donald Trump’s approval rating has dropped to its lowest level since he took office in January. A national daily-tracking poll from Gallup shows that Trump’s rating has dropped to a negative 20 point differential between those who approve and disapprove of him. According to the poll, 37 percent of voters endorsed his performance as president, while 57 percent did not support him. The US president had slightly recovered his rating while on a recent week-long foreign trip. The new results reflect people's reaction to Trump’s decision to pull his country out of the historic Paris Climate Agreement. Most recent polls suggested that a majority of Americans in every state wanted the US to remain in the international accord.

Syria gains

Syria’s army captures the last major town held by Daesh in Aleppo province, getting within the touching distance of the terrorists’ stronghold province of Raqqah. Military officials say the army and allied forces restored control over Maskanah as well as nearby positions after weeks of heavy fighting. Troops have also recaptured generators that power the main water pumping station in the strategic area that lies on the western banks of the Euphrates River. The army retook the water plant from Daesh in March. The terrorists are holed up in desert areas in the south east corner of Aleppo. The Takfiri group also has a presence in the provinces of Dayr al-Zawr and Raqqah. However they have been on the back foot recently following advances by government troops as well as a military campaign by Kurdish forces.

Leader warns Saudis

The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution has strongly criticized the US for supporting the Saudi regime while Riyadh is pressing ahead with its deadly war on Yemen. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei was addressing crowds of people at Imam Khomeini’s mausoleum on the occasion of the 28th departure anniversary of the late leader. Ayatollah Khamenei said Saudi Arabia will not be able to defeat the Yemeni people no matter how long the war continues. The leader described the Saudi war on Yemen as a crime which will bring divine revenge. Ayatollah Khamenei also spoke of the situation in Bahrain. He criticized Saudi Arabia’s intervention in the Persian Gulf kingdom, saying Riyadh’s effort to impose its will on the Bahraini people is illogical. On Syria, the leader said the country’s crisis can only be resolved through talks. He demanded foreign countries which have intervened in Syria without Damascus’ consent leave the country.

London attack victims

The UK's Metropolitan police chief says 21 of those injured in Saturday's attack in London remain in critical condition. Rowley added that police have made significant progress in identifying the attackers and establishing whether they had accomplices. Security will remain high at the crime scene until further notice. On Saturday, three male attackers run over pedestrians on London Bridge. They got off the vehicle and started to stab numerous revelers in a nearby busy area. Police shot dead the assailants shortly after the rampage. The crime scene is sealed off for investigation. Police say the attack was a terrorist act carried out in the run-up to the UK's general elections set for Thursday.

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