Palestine2 years ago
Expert: Israel Judaizes Arab street names in Old City of al-Quds
Israel starts to change the Arabic names of historic streets in the occupied Old City of al-Quds into Hebrew, as part of its efforts to Judaize the occupied Palestinian territories.
Expert: Israel Judaizes Arab street names in Old City of al-Quds
Palestine2 years ago
Israel demolishes Palestinian home in Silwan neighborhood of al-Quds
Israeli forces demolish a two-story Palestinian house, belonging to two brothers and their 12-member families in the Silwan neighborhood of al-Quds.
Israel demolishes Palestinian home in Silwan neighborhood of al-Quds
Palestine2 years ago
Palestinian PM demands end to Israel’s racism, ethnic cleansing in al-Quds
The Palestinian PM calls on the international community to put an end to Israel’s policies of persecution, racism and ethnic cleansing.
Palestinian PM demands end to Israel’s racism, ethnic cleansing in al-Quds
Palestine3 years ago
Palestinian activists launch campaign to defund US-based settler organizations
More than 150 Palestinian organizations, village councils and activists launch a petition campaign against the US-registered “charities” engaged in fundraising for Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Palestinian activists launch campaign to defund US-based settler organizations
Palestine3 years ago
PA forces’ violent crackdown compounds Israeli aggression against Palestinians
The Palestinian Authority’s forces stage a significantly violent crackdown on their compatriots amid continued Israeli aggression.
PA forces’ violent crackdown compounds Israeli aggression against Palestinians
Palestine3 years ago
Israel plans to destroy over dozen Palestinian homes in East al-Quds area
A Palestinian official says Israeli authorities plan to demolish 17 Palestinian homes in Silwan area in East Jerusalem al-Quds by the end of next month.
Israel plans to destroy over dozen Palestinian homes in East al-Quds area
Palestine3 years ago
Amnesty slams Israel’s ‘forced eviction’ of Palestinians families in Silwan
Amnesty International says planned evictions of Palestinians from Silwan neighborhood in East Jerusalem al-Quds is another example of the regime’s forced displacement policy.
Amnesty slams Israel’s ‘forced eviction’ of Palestinians families in Silwan
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