Palestine5 months ago
Made-in-India 'killer' drones fly in Gaza sky as Israeli genocide rages on: Report
A new report reveals that an Indian conglomerate has exported Hermes drones to Israel, very similar to those extensively used in Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, which have resulted in the death of over 28,300 people, including at least 12,300 children.
Made-in-India 'killer' drones fly in Gaza sky as Israeli genocide rages on: Report
Defense7 months ago
Missiles guided by artificial intelligence fitted in IRGC Navy vessels
The commander of the IRGC Navy says his force has furnished its vessels with long-range missiles that use artificial intelligence and enjoy high controllability after launch.
Missiles guided by artificial intelligence fitted in IRGC Navy vessels
Russia10 months ago
Russia thwarts attacks on Crimea Bridge as Ukrainian strikes leave at least 3 dead
Russia says its forces have thwarted another Ukrainian drone attack on a strategic bridge in Crimea, as Kiev forces’ shelling and missile strikes left at least three people dead.
Russia thwarts attacks on Crimea Bridge as Ukrainian strikes leave at least 3 dead
Russia11 months ago
Russia foils massive Ukraine drone attacks in several regions
Russian air defenses have thwarted Ukraine UAV attacks in five regions, while drones hit an airport in the western Pskov region.
Russia foils massive Ukraine drone attacks in several regions
News Headlinesone year ago
Press TV’s News Headlines
Here are Press TV’s latest top stories, 09:00 GMT on April 20, 2023
Press TV’s News Headlines
Defenseone year ago
Iran’s IRGC successfully tests new homegrown suicide drone
The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)'s Ground Force successfully tests a homegrown suicide drone, dubbed Me’raj 532.
Iran’s IRGC successfully tests new homegrown suicide drone
Defenseone year ago
Iranian Army unveils first underground Air Force base
The Iranian Army unveils its first underground air force base, called “Oqab 44,” which is capable of accepting and operating various types of fighter jets, bombers and drones.
Iranian Army unveils first underground Air Force base
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