Daesh terrorists
Syria11 months ago
Syria blasts US, Daesh collusion in deadly terror attack on army bus
Syria strongly condemns US occupation forces for colluding with the Daesh terror group to wage a deadly terrorist attack on an army bus in the country’s eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr.
Syria blasts US, Daesh collusion in deadly terror attack on army bus
Politicsone year ago
Top Iraqi MP: Iranians made heroic sacrifices in fight against Daesh
A senior Iraqi lawmaker says Iranians made tremendous sacrifices in the fight against Daesh Takfiri terrorists, and top anti-terror commander General Soleimani played a leading role in this regard.
Top Iraqi MP: Iranians made heroic sacrifices in fight against Daesh
Politicsone year ago
US ‘created’ Daesh terrorist group,Kennedy nephew admits
US presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has admitted that Washington "created" the Daesh terrorist group.
US ‘created’ Daesh terrorist group,Kennedy nephew admits
Syriaone year ago
Damascus blasts US attacks as cover-up to steal more oil in eastern Syria
Syria strongly condemns the latest US military air strikes in the eastern parts of the Arab country, saying it is a cover-up for Washington’s continued looting of crude oil there.
Damascus blasts US attacks as cover-up to steal more oil in eastern Syria
Syriaone year ago
‘US military transfers Daesh terrorists from prison to camps in northeastern Syria’
US occupation forces airlift dozens of Daesh terrorists from a prison in Syria's Hasakah to nearby camps before transferring them to al-Tanf base.
‘US military transfers Daesh terrorists from prison to camps in northeastern Syria’
Iraqone year ago
Four Iraqi soldiers killed in raid foiling Daesh plots to target pilgrims
Four Iraqi army soldiers have been killed in a counter-terrorism operation north of the capital Baghdad.
Four Iraqi soldiers killed in raid foiling Daesh plots to target pilgrims
Syriaone year ago
US occupation forces setting up new base in northwestern Syria: Report
The US military is reportedly constructing a new military base in Syria’s northwestern province of Raqqah.
US occupation forces setting up new base in northwestern Syria: Report
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