submarine deal
More2 years ago
Australia agrees payout to end France submarine spat
The new Prime Minister Anthony Albanese made the announcement on Saturday.
Australia agrees payout to end France submarine spat
More2 years ago
Australia: France's display of anger in submarine row partially related to domestic politics
Australia's defense minister says French President Emmanuel Macron is playing to domestic political sensibilities by expressing sustained outrage in a submarine row with Canberra.
Australia: France's display of anger in submarine row partially related to domestic politics
More2 years ago
EU postpones trade talks with Australia over submarine deal row
The EU has postponed a round of talks over a trade deal with Australia amid anger at Canberra's decision to cancel a French submarine contract.
EU postpones trade talks with Australia over submarine deal row
France2 years ago
France threatens retaliation against UK as fishing spat flares again
France has accused Britain of playing politics with post-Brexit fishing rights after London and the Channel Island of Jersey refused dozens of French fishing boats a licence to operate in their territorial waters.
France threatens retaliation against UK as fishing spat flares again
EU2 years ago
EU ministers say submarine row ‘wake-up call’ for Europe
The EU’s top officials have branded as a “wake-up call” the recent decision by the US and Britain to exclude France from a $40-billion submarine supply deal.
EU ministers say submarine row ‘wake-up call’ for Europe
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