parliamentary elections
Politics6 months ago
Leader: Gaza ‘pulse’ of Muslim world today; Gazans standing against tyranny, US
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the border of the Muslim world is in Gaza today, and that the Palestinians there are standing against arrogance and against the Unlisted states.
Leader: Gaza ‘pulse’ of Muslim world today; Gazans standing against tyranny, US
Moreone year ago
Greece PM eyes new polls for absolute majority after election win
Greece's ruling party wins the country’s parliamentary elections, but falls short of the threshold needed to form a government on its own.
Greece PM eyes new polls for absolute majority after election win
Persian Gulfone year ago
People protest, groups slam 'repressive' climate as Bahrain holds election
Bahrainis stage demonstrations and rights groups denounce a “repressive climate” as the US-allied Persian Gulf state holds parliament elections after dissolving main opposition groups and cracking down on dissent.
People protest, groups slam 'repressive' climate as Bahrain holds election
Moreone year ago
Top Bahraini cleric slams participation in parliamentary election as ‘betrayal’
Sheikh Isa Qassim says participation in Saturday’s parliamentary election is a betrayal of the country.
Top Bahraini cleric slams participation in parliamentary election as ‘betrayal’
Persian Gulfone year ago
Top Shia cleric: Bahrain legislative polls meant to slaughter democracy
Bahrain’s most prominent Shia cleric has called for a boycott on the country’s forthcoming election, stating that the polls are meant to slaughter democracy in the kingdom.
Top Shia cleric: Bahrain legislative polls meant to slaughter democracy
Persian Gulfone year ago
Top Shia cleric: Upcoming polls solely meant to intensify tyranny in Bahrain
Bahrain’s most prominent Shia cleric has repudiated the country’s upcoming parliamentary elections, stating that the polls are simply meant to strengthen tyranny in the Persian Gulf kingdom.
Top Shia cleric: Upcoming polls solely meant to intensify tyranny in Bahrain
Persian Gulfone year ago
Bahraini opposition calls for boycott of November legislative elections
Bahrain's main opposition group, the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, calls for boycott of November 12 legislative elections.
Bahraini opposition calls for boycott of November legislative elections
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