US soldiers
Syriaone year ago
US occupation forces send ‘45 tankers of Syrian oil’ to bases in Iraq
Syria’s official news agency SANA reported the tankers passed the illegal Mahmoudiya border crossing.
US occupation forces send ‘45 tankers of Syrian oil’ to bases in Iraq
Iraqone year ago
US did not find WMDs in Iraq, but planted its own: Fmr. nuclear scientist
US forces did not find WMDs in Iraq but could plant such munitions in the country by bringing corrupt officials to power, says a former Iraqi lieutenant.
US did not find WMDs in Iraq, but planted its own: Fmr. nuclear scientist
Reportsone year ago
US admits its soldiers are on the ground in Ukraine as risk of escalation soars
The United States confirms that it has sent soldiers to Ukraine. That’s while Russia has repeatedly warned that Washington’s involvement in the Ukraine war risks direct confrontation with Moscow.
US admits its soldiers are on the ground in Ukraine as risk of escalation soars
Syriaone year ago
Drones hit base housing US troops, militants in southeastern Syria
Armed unmanned aerial vehicles target a military base housing US occupation troops and their allied Takfiri militants in southeastern Syria.
Drones hit base housing US troops, militants in southeastern Syria
Syria2 years ago
US forces relocate Daesh members from eastern Syria camps to Hasakah
American occupation forces and SDF militants have reportedly transferred dozens of Daesh terrorists from detention camp in Syria’s eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr to facilities in the neighboring province of Hasakah.
US forces relocate Daesh members from eastern Syria camps to Hasakah
Syria2 years ago
Villagers block US convoy in northeast Syria, force it to turn back
Villagers block a US military convoy in Syria's northeastern province of Hasakah, and force American occupation forces to head back.
Villagers block US convoy in northeast Syria, force it to turn back
Syria2 years ago
Syrian tribes vow to help army fight foreign troops, separatists
Leaders of various Syrian tribes have held a gathering in the capital Damascus,  pledging to work with the army to expel foreign troops and return occupied territories to the state control.
Syrian tribes vow to help army fight foreign troops, separatists
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