Palestineone year ago
Israeli forces demolish Palestinian home over shooting operation
Israeli forces have demolished the house of Muhammed Kamel al-Jabari, who carried out a shooting operation in the occupied West Bank a few months ago.
Israeli forces demolish Palestinian home over shooting operation
Politicsone year ago
Iran slams Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in Bethlehem
Iran condemns the Israeli regime’s destruction of Palestinian homes in Bethlehem under the pretext of construction without a permit.
Iran slams Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in Bethlehem
Palestineone year ago
Israeli forces demolish more Palestinian houses
Israeli forces have demolished several houses inhabited by Palestinian residents in the occupied West Bank.
Israeli forces demolish more Palestinian houses
Palestine2 years ago
Israeli forces demolish Palestinian home in West Bank town
Israeli forces have demolished a two-story Palestinian house in the Arab city of Tira.
Israeli forces demolish Palestinian home in West Bank town
Palestine2 years ago
Israeli army to demolish homes of Palestinians allegedly behind settlement attack
The Israeli army says it intends to demolish the homes of two young Palestinians, who allegedly killed an Israeli guard in the northern part of the occupied West Bank last week.
Israeli army to demolish homes of Palestinians allegedly behind settlement attack
Palestine2 years ago
Israeli bulldozer razes another Palestinian home in al-Quds
The Israeli municipality of al-Quds demolishes a Palestinian-owned house in the occupied city, leaving another Palestinian family homeless.
Israeli bulldozer razes another Palestinian home in al-Quds
Palestine2 years ago
Israel forces Palestinians to raze own homes, leaves 35 homeless in E Quds
A Palestinian family of 35 becomes homeless as Israeli authorities forced them to demolish their ancestral houses in occupied East al-Quds.
Israel forces Palestinians to raze own homes, leaves 35 homeless in E Quds
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