military operations
Syria10 months ago
Over 100 terrorists killed in joint Syrian-Russian military operations in Idlib
At least 111 Takfiri terrorists have been killed and 80 others wounded in joint Syrian-Russian operations in the northwestern province of Idlib.
Over 100 terrorists killed in joint Syrian-Russian military operations in Idlib
Syriaone year ago
Kurdish militants halt joint operation with US after Turkish strikes
A spokesman for the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces says all joint military operations with the US-led coalition have been put on hold as a result of Turkish bombardment in northern Syria.
Kurdish militants halt joint operation with US after Turkish strikes
Syria2 years ago
Turkish forces shell Syrian villages amid massive military buildup
Turkish forces shell two villages in northern Syria, following a huge military buildup in the area and amid reports that Ankara will soon launch two major operations in the area.
Turkish forces shell Syrian villages amid massive military buildup
Iraq2 years ago
Turkish bombardment kills two in northern Iraq: local official
Two civilians are killed in a Turkish airstrike in northern Iraq, where Turkey is pressing ahead with a military campaign against the PKK militants.
Turkish bombardment kills two in northern Iraq: local official
News Headlines3 years ago
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