US Democrats
Viewpointone year ago
Duplicity of US Congress 'progressives' on human rights, imperialism 
You cannot serve in the halls of US Congress, even if you are a so-called “progressive”, without serving US imperialism. That is because the very nature of “progressivism” has shifted in the United States.
Duplicity of US Congress 'progressives' on human rights, imperialism 
Politicsone year ago
US Democrats fundraise from arms dealers amid Pentagon budget fight
Representatives of the U.S. defense industry paid thousands to attend a closed-door event with House Democrats as Congress plans to cut welfare spending with the Pentagon.
US Democrats fundraise from arms dealers amid Pentagon budget fight
Palestineone year ago
US Democrats sympathize more with Palestine than Israel: Poll
A poll by Gallup shows sympathy toward the Palestinians among Americans is at a new high of 31 percent.
US Democrats sympathize more with Palestine than Israel: Poll
Societyone year ago
US Democrats renew calls for ban on assault weapons after spate of shootings
US President Joe Biden and other prominent Democrats renew calls for a ban on assault weapons amid an alarming rise in incidents of gun violence across the country.
US Democrats renew calls for ban on assault weapons after spate of shootings
Politicsone year ago
Trump is ‘tearing apart the Republican Party’ after election losses
Ex-New York Governor George Pataki has said former US President Donald Trump is “tearing apart the Republican party” after the GOP failed to take control of both houses of Congress.
Trump is ‘tearing apart the Republican Party’ after election losses
Politicsone year ago
Biden's ‘presidency has no legitimacy by any standard of democracy’
An American political commentator says serious politicians on the world stage recognize that Joe Biden's “presidency has no legitimacy by any standard of democracy."
Biden's ‘presidency has no legitimacy by any standard of democracy’
Politicsone year ago
Analyst: GOP going to win House, and impeach Biden
Republicans are edging closer to securing a majority in the US House of Representatives while control of the Senate is hinging on a few tight races which may not be decided until December.
Analyst: GOP going to win House, and impeach Biden
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