Abdul-Malik al-Houthi
Palestine15 days ago
Houthi: US, UK naval forces terrified of Yemen's ballistic missiles
The leader of the Ansarullah resistance movement says the US and its allies are unable to stop Yemen's maritime operations against Israeli-affiliated vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
Houthi: US, UK naval forces terrified of Yemen's ballistic missiles
Yemen19 days ago
Houthi: US surprised by Yemen’s naval tactics, failed to stop Red Sea operations
Abdul-Malik al-Houthi says the Yemeni armed forces’ naval tactics in the Red Sea have “surprised” the US, adding that Washington’s advanced military technology has failed to stop Yemen’s retaliatory operations.
Houthi: US surprised by Yemen’s naval tactics, failed to stop Red Sea operations
Yemen22 days ago
Houthi: US aircraft carriers not worth money after Yemeni ops
“Battle in the Red Sea has attested the fact that US aircraft carriers are an obsolete weapons system,” Houthi said.
Houthi: US aircraft carriers not worth money after Yemeni ops
Palestine29 days ago
Houthi: US prestige badly damaged in wake of Yemeni operations
The leader of Ansarullah resistance movement says the US prestige has been badly damaged as a result of Yemeni maritime operations in support of Gaza.
Houthi: US prestige badly damaged in wake of Yemeni operations
Yemenone month ago
Houthi: US pier in Gaza serving as military structure for Washington
Yemen’s Ansarullah leader says the US-built pier to purportedly bring aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip serves to advance Washington’s military agenda.
Houthi: US pier in Gaza serving as military structure for Washington
Iraqone month ago
Iraqi resistance group asks Israelis to evacuate or face attack
A major Iraqi resistance group has called on Israeli settlers on the northern side of the 1948 occupied territories to evacuate or face a full-scale attack.
Iraqi resistance group asks Israelis to evacuate or face attack
Yemenone month ago
Certain Arab monarchs betraying Muslims by collaborating with Israel: Houthi
The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement fiercely criticizes some Arab rulers for betraying the Muslim world through collaboration with the Israeli regime.
Certain Arab monarchs betraying Muslims by collaborating with Israel: Houthi
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