resistance group
Palestine9 months ago
Hamas blasts Biden’s ‘inflammatory remarks’ about group, Gaza Strip
Hamas strongly denounces the latest remarks by US President Joe Biden about the resistance movement and Palestinians living in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Hamas blasts Biden’s ‘inflammatory remarks’ about group, Gaza Strip
Politics10 months ago
Official: Islamic Jihad has deep-seated, strategic relations with Iran
A senior official with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement says the group’s relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran are “deep-seated and strategic.”
Official: Islamic Jihad has deep-seated, strategic relations with Iran
Iraq11 months ago
Iraqi resistance group vows to 'crush' US projects in region
Iraqi resistance group warns the US that it would "crush" Washington's destructive projects in the region.
Iraqi resistance group vows to 'crush' US projects in region
Politicsone year ago
IRGC Quds Force chief: Iran will back resistance until Israel's annihilation
The commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force says Iran will keep supporting Palestinian resistance groups, in words and in practice, until the complete downfall of the Israeli apartheid regime.
IRGC Quds Force chief: Iran will back resistance until Israel's annihilation
Iraqone year ago
‘US occupation forces legitimate target in West Asia’
A senior official with Iraq’s ‘Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba’ resistance movement says US occupation forces are a legitimate target in West Asia.
‘US occupation forces legitimate target in West Asia’
Palestineone year ago
Lions’ Den warns Israel of devastating attacks amid rising tensions
The Palestinian resistance group Lions’ Den warns the Israeli regime of surprise and unprecedented retaliatory attacks as the Tel Aviv regime continues its acts of violence.
Lions’ Den warns Israel of devastating attacks amid rising tensions
Palestineone year ago
Lions’ Den group: Israel regime encircled by Palestine resistance forces
The Palestinian Lions’ Den group says resistance groups have surrounded the occupying Israeli regime, and will not let the blood of martyrs go in vain.
Lions’ Den group: Israel regime encircled by Palestine resistance forces
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