Politics11 months ago
American TV host calls for putting Trump in 'solitary confinement' if convicted
An MSNBC host calls for former US President Donald Trump's solitary confinement, describing him as a "safety risk".
American TV host calls for putting Trump in 'solitary confinement' if convicted
Featureone year ago
Obituary: Achmad Cassiem, anti-apartheid hero, advocate of Islamic unity
Imam Achmad Cassiem, a prominent anti-apartheid figure in South Africa and a Muslim community leader, died in Cape Town on July 14 at the age of 77.
Obituary: Achmad Cassiem, anti-apartheid hero, advocate of Islamic unity
Politicsone year ago
Iran FM lauds diplomat’s steadfastness during illegal imprisonment in Belgium
Iran's foreign minister lauds unlawfully imprisoned diplomat's steadfastness in Belgian prison.
Iran FM lauds diplomat’s steadfastness during illegal imprisonment in Belgium
Politicsone year ago
Hamid Nouri breaks solitary confinement record in Sweden: Report
A new report says Hamid Nouri has broken the all-time record of solitary confinement in the history of Sweden.
Hamid Nouri breaks solitary confinement record in Sweden: Report
Palestineone year ago
Iran blasts 'deafening silence' on Israeli violations of Palestinian rights
Tehran blasts the deafening silence of the so-called advocates of human rights on the widespread and systemic violation of Palestinians’ rights by Israel.
Iran blasts 'deafening silence' on Israeli violations of Palestinian rights
Saudi Arabiaone year ago
Rights group raises alarm over fate of jailed activists in Saudi Arabia
A human rights organization sounds the alarm over the fate of political prisoners in Saudi jails
Rights group raises alarm over fate of jailed activists in Saudi Arabia
Politicsone year ago
Hamid Nouri’s torture in Swedish jail bears hallmarks of Israeli tactics, says son
Iranian prisoner Hamid Nouri has been tortured since he was arrested more than three years ago in Sweden, says his son Majid Nouri.
Hamid Nouri’s torture in Swedish jail bears hallmarks of Israeli tactics, says son
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