Palestine8 months ago
Pro-Palestinian demonstrations continue worldwide
Demonstrations were held in Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Pakistan on Friday.
Pro-Palestinian demonstrations continue worldwide
News Headlines9 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 16:00 GMT, October 28, 2023
Press TV's news headlines
Palestine10 months ago
Israeli settlers stab Palestinian man in al-Khalil
A group of Israeli settlers, backed by the regime forces, raided the West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron), stabbing a young Palestinian man in the back.
Israeli settlers stab Palestinian man in al-Khalil
Politics10 months ago
Iran: Israeli troops suffer from various mental, moral illnesses
A group of the regime soldiers recently forced some Palestinian women to strip in order to search them.
Iran: Israeli troops suffer from various mental, moral illnesses
Palestine10 months ago
UN slams Israeli forces ‘appalling’ strip-search of Palestinian women, urges probe
The UN calls for an investigation into the forced stripping of five Palestinian women by Israeli soldiers during a raid on their home in al-Khalil.
UN slams Israeli forces ‘appalling’ strip-search of Palestinian women, urges probe
Palestineone year ago
Palestinian youth killed by Israeli settler over alleged stab attack
An illegal Israeli settler has fatally shot a Palestinian youth on suspicion of attempting to carry out an alleged stabbing attack in the south of the occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron), the latest amid rising violence in the occupied territories.
Palestinian youth killed by Israeli settler over alleged stab attack
Palestineone year ago
Hamas: Demolition of resistance forces’ homes shows Israel’s bankruptcy
“Blowing up the homes of heroes of resistance forces by Zionist occupiers is a crime that reflects their bankruptcy.”
Hamas: Demolition of resistance forces’ homes shows Israel’s bankruptcy
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