Politics3 months ago
Iran urges US to stop support for Israel as university revolt spreads
Iran has condemned the ongoing crackdown on pro-Palestinian protests in US universities, urging Washington to immediately stop support for Israel. 
Iran urges US to stop support for Israel as university revolt spreads
Reports3 months ago
German police crackdown on pro-Palestine conference in Berlin
A pro-Palestine conference has been canceled by police in Germany’s capital as the European country continues its crackdown on pro-Palestinian gatherings.
German police crackdown on pro-Palestine conference in Berlin
Politics4 months ago
Tehran: UN human rights mechanisms ‘a plaything’ for some regimes
Iran rejects a report by a mission mandated by the United Nations over the 2022 riots in the country, stating that UN human rights mechanisms have turned into “a plaything” for some regimes.
Tehran: UN human rights mechanisms ‘a plaything’ for some regimes
Saudi Arabia11 months ago
Retired Saudi teacher sentenced to death over posts critical of Al Saud
A Saudi court has sentenced a retired teacher to death for online posts, critical of the ruling family, his brother said.
Retired Saudi teacher sentenced to death over posts critical of Al Saud
Persian Gulf11 months ago
Bahrainis rally in solidarity with hunger striking inmates
Bahrainis stage rallies in the country to show solidarity with hunger-striking prisoners at the notorious Jau Prison and demand their immediate release.
Bahrainis rally in solidarity with hunger striking inmates
More11 months ago
Jordan’s king signs off bill criminalizing ‘harmful’ online posts
The King of Jordan has approved a cybercrime bill that will restrain online speech deemed by Amman as harmful to national unity.
Jordan’s king signs off bill criminalizing ‘harmful’ online posts
Persian Gulfone year ago
British MPs demand answers after Bahrain removed from human rights list
British lawmakers are demanding the government to provide clear explanations on the decision to drop Bahrain from a list of human rights priority countries, with rights groups calling the removal a whitewash.
British MPs demand answers after Bahrain removed from human rights list
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