climate change
Featureone year ago
How US, as biggest greenhouse gas emitter, is driving climate crisis
The United States has been the world's biggest polluter since the industrial revolution, emitting significant greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), according to various studies.
How US, as biggest greenhouse gas emitter, is driving climate crisis
Politicsone year ago
Iran: Unilateral sanctions impede efforts to combat climate change, must end immediately
Iran's ambassador to the United Nation says unilateral sanctions impede targeted countries’ contributions to global efforts aimed at tackling climate change problems.
Iran: Unilateral sanctions impede efforts to combat climate change, must end immediately
Franceone year ago
French police attack protesters with tear gas at Total's meeting
French police officers have fired teargas to disperse climate demonstrators gathered in Paris to raise their voices against an annual general meeting of oil company TotalEnergies.
French police attack protesters with tear gas at Total's meeting
Editor's Choiceone year ago
Climate change: More than 1 in 10 species could go extinct by century’s end
Climate change and habitat degradation will cost earth extinctions of more than a tenth of its plant and animal species by the end of the century, according to a new study.
Climate change: More than 1 in 10 species could go extinct by century’s end
Egyptone year ago
More than 50 poor countries in danger of bankruptcy, UN official warns
More than 50 of the poorest developing countries are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy due to their inability to pay debts unless the rich countries come forward with assistance, says a UN official.
More than 50 poor countries in danger of bankruptcy, UN official warns
Societyone year ago
World in big trouble: UN chief warns global leaders
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antiono Guterres has warned that the world is in "big trouble," as he opened the largest annual gathering of global leaders at the UN headquarters in New York for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
World in big trouble: UN chief warns global leaders
Moreone year ago
Poorest nations push for compensation at UN climate talks
Ministers from the Least Developed Countries (LDC) are pushing proposals for funds to compensate vulnerable states for climate-inflicted damage.
Poorest nations push for compensation at UN climate talks
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