Palestine7 months ago
Qatar urges swift, impartial probe into Israeli crimes in Gaza
Qatar’s prime minister says the crimes of Israel in Gaza need to undergo swift investigation.
Qatar urges swift, impartial probe into Israeli crimes in Gaza
Saudi Arabia10 months ago
Report: Ansarullah officials head to Riyadh for ceasefire talks with Saudis
Representatives of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement and members of a meditation team from Oman have left for Riyadh to negotiate a permanent ceasefire with Saudi officials, news agencies say. 
Report: Ansarullah officials head to Riyadh for ceasefire talks with Saudis
Yemenone year ago
Ansarullah ‘optimistic’ about success of Omani mediation in Saudi peace talks
Yemen’s Ansarullah has expressed optimism about the success of Oman’s mediation in resolving differences between Sana’a and Riyadh.
Ansarullah ‘optimistic’ about success of Omani mediation in Saudi peace talks
Conversationsone year ago
Oman a ‘reliable mediator’ to resolve crises in West Asia: Observer
A Lebanese political commentator has expounded on the recent trip of Oman’s Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al Said to Iran, lauding Muscat as a “reliable mediator” to resolve crises in the strategic West Asia region.
Oman a ‘reliable mediator’ to resolve crises in West Asia: Observer
Russiaone year ago
France, Germany show ‘no desire’ to mediate Ukraine talks: Kremlin
There has been “no desire to listen to Russia’s position or participate in mediation efforts,” the Kremlin’s spokesman has said.
France, Germany show ‘no desire’ to mediate Ukraine talks: Kremlin
Sudan2 years ago
Sudan's military, ousted PM still in talks, no deal yet: Report
Sudan's military is reportedly still negotiating with the country's ousted Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok to reach a new power-sharing deal, following the recent coup that plunged the African country into political crisis.
Sudan's military, ousted PM still in talks, no deal yet: Report
Syria2 years ago
Syria resumes pounding militants’ positions in Dara’a after deal fails
The Syrian military resumes its attacks against the last militant enclave in the southwestern city of Dara’a following the collapse of a Russian-mediated deal to restore government rule in the area.
Syria resumes pounding militants’ positions in Dara’a after deal fails
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