India3 years ago
Indian court suspends implementation of new controversial farm laws
India’s Supreme Court temporarily suspends the implementation of new laws liberalizing agricultural markets that have sparked mass protests.
Indian court suspends implementation of new controversial farm laws
More3 years ago
Thousands protest effort to rewrite Montenegro church law
Several thousand people protest in Montenegro's capital against the new government's efforts to change a controversial religion law.
Thousands protest effort to rewrite Montenegro church law
Politics3 years ago
Former Tory minister: breaking international law is ‘routine’
A former Tory cabinet minister and Boris Johnson ally has defended the breaking of international law.
Former Tory minister: breaking international law is ‘routine’
Foreign Policy4 years ago
Sajid Javid pours fuel on Russia report fire
Former hardline Home Secretary Sajid Javid has tried to exploit the Russia report to advance his own political agenda.
Sajid Javid pours fuel on Russia report fire
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