Reports6 months ago
MKO stands trial after 40 years
Members of the terrorist group Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization or MKO are standing trial in absentia.
MKO stands trial after 40 years
Iran Today7 months ago
The trial time
It’s time for a trial for terror-lined treason, domestically.
The trial time
News Headlines7 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories, 16:00 GMT on December 04, 2023.
Press TV's news headlines
Politics8 months ago
Iran calls on ICC to prosecute Israeli officials for war crimes in Gaza
Iran's FM has called on the ICC to establish a court to prosecute Israeli authorities for war crimes in the Gaza Strip.
Iran calls on ICC to prosecute Israeli officials for war crimes in Gaza
Politics8 months ago
Iran's top rights official: Criminal Israeli leaders must stand trial
Iran’s top human rights official says criminal Israeli authorities must be brought to trial for their atrocities against Palestinians.
Iran's top rights official: Criminal Israeli leaders must stand trial
Afghanistan8 months ago
Australian whistleblower for Afghan war crimes stands trial
The Australian government is set to put a former military lawyer on trial for leaking classified documents about the perpetration of crimes by Australian occupation troops during the invasion of Afghanistan.
Australian whistleblower for Afghan war crimes stands trial
Politics9 months ago
Iran: Israel must be internationally designated as terrorist entity
The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry urged that Israel must be designated as a “terrorist entity” and its leaders be prosecuted for war crimes against Palestinians.
Iran: Israel must be internationally designated as terrorist entity
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