Brazilone year ago
Brazil’s Lula calls for instituting common S American currency
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva calls for instituting a regional trade currency during a meeting with South American heads of state.
Brazil’s Lula calls for instituting common S American currency
Palestineone year ago
'Resistance has response in store to potential Israeli assassination of its leaders'
The Islamic Jihad says the resistance has response in store to the Israeli regime's potential assassination of its leaders.
'Resistance has response in store to potential Israeli assassination of its leaders'
Moreone year ago
Western leaders pledge support for Ukraine as China renews calls for dialog
Western leaders have pledged unwavering support for Ukraine amid Russia’s ongoing war, while China has reiterated calls for dialog over the crisis.
Western leaders pledge support for Ukraine as China renews calls for dialog
Yemenone year ago
UN extends sanctions on Yemen’s Ansarullah for nine months
The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution to extend sanctions against several leaders and top officials of Yemen’s Ansarullah.
UN extends sanctions on Yemen’s Ansarullah for nine months
Russia2 years ago
West ramps up pressure on Russia; China, India non-committal
Western leaders have stepped up pressure on Russia over its military operation in Ukraine, agreeing to increase military aid to Kiev and tighten their sanctions on Moscow.
West ramps up pressure on Russia; China, India non-committal
Russia2 years ago
Putin: Russia considers recognizing breakaway Ukrainian regions
Putin says Russia will consider an appeal from the leaders of two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine for their recognition as independent.
 Putin: Russia considers recognizing breakaway Ukrainian regions
EU2 years ago
G20 commits to limiting global warming, falls short of zero-emission target
Leaders attending the G20 summit have agreed to commit to the key goal of limiting global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius.
G20 commits to limiting global warming, falls short of zero-emission target
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