Palestine5 months ago
Elon Musk caves into Zionist lobby and allows Palestine censorship on X
American billionaire and X owner Elon Musk, who claimed to be the champion of free speech, has caved into the pressure of Zionist lobby and allowed the suppression of pro-Palestine voices.
Elon Musk caves into Zionist lobby and allows Palestine censorship on X
IN-DEPTH6 months ago
Israeli media war against Iran
Amid its genocidal assault on Gaza, the Israeli regime has gone to great lengths to cause a rift between the Iranian people and the government, a task taken up by Persian-language TV channels abroad.
Israeli media war against Iran
IN-DEPTH7 months ago
Elon Musk’s tumultuous love affair with Israel
Upon purchasing Twitter, as it was known at the time, Elon Musk promised to restore free speech to the platform; however, the Zionist lobby is attempting to force Musk to reinstitute censorship of commentary on Palestine.
Elon Musk’s tumultuous love affair with Israel
Palestine Declassified7 months ago
Elon Musk and Palestine
After Elon Musk bought Twitter, now known as X, he promised to restore free speech to the platform. But the multi-billionaire is being squeezed by the Zionist lobby to reimpose censorship on commentary about Palestine.
Elon Musk and Palestine
IN-DEPTH9 months ago
Western double standards on Gaza war
The EU has asked Elon Musk, the owner of X social media platform, to censor info not conforming to Western narrative over the Israeli war in Gaza.
Western double standards on Gaza war
Palestine9 months ago
EU asks Musk to censor news about Israel’s war in Gaza
The European Union is asking Elon Musk to censor information not conforming to the Western narrative over Israel’s war on Palestinians in Gaza.
EU asks Musk to censor news about Israel’s war in Gaza
Saudi Arabia9 months ago
Saudis get decades-long prison terms over critical online posts
Saudi Arabia hands down decades-long prison sentences for activists posting online comments critical of the kingdom’s policies.
Saudis get decades-long prison terms over critical online posts
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