Palestine7 months ago
Palestinians abducted in Gaza say they were severely tortured by Israeli forces
Former Palestinian abductees reveal that they were subjected to severe torture by Israeli forces.
Palestinians abducted in Gaza say they were severely tortured by Israeli forces
Palestine7 months ago
‘New Gitmo': Rights group urges probe into Israel’s starving, murdering Gaza abductees
A rights group calls for an investigation into the torture and killing of Palestinians abducted from Gaza in Israel’s “Guantanamo-like” jails.
‘New Gitmo': Rights group urges probe into Israel’s starving, murdering Gaza abductees
Palestine9 months ago
Adviser to Netanyahu's wife calls for torture of Gazans to death as war on Gaza rages
An adviser to the wife of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for torturing the residents of Gaza to death.
Adviser to Netanyahu's wife calls for torture of Gazans to death as war on Gaza rages
Featureone year ago
A look at US legacy of abuse at Guantanamo as calls grow for its closure
Since the infamous Guantanamo detention facility was set up by the George Bush administration in Cuba in 2002, after the invasion of Afghanistan and before the invasion of Iraq, it has been synonymous with abuse, torture and injustice.
A look at US legacy of abuse at Guantanamo as calls grow for its closure
Militaryone year ago
UN panel demands release of Gitmo prisoner tortured by CIA
A UN body has demanded the immediate release of a Guantanamo prisoner who was tortured by the CIA.
UN panel demands release of Gitmo prisoner tortured by CIA
Palestineone year ago
Israel systematically subjects Palestinian inmates to ‘torture’: Rights groups
Two prominent Palestinian rights groups say Israel enjoys a culture of impunity.
Israel systematically subjects Palestinian inmates to ‘torture’: Rights groups
Politicsone year ago
Iran FM calls out CNN’s propaganda on Iran, rejects ‘torture’ allegations
Iran’s foreign minister in an interview on Wednesday called out CNN’s misinformation on Iran, including a fake report about the alleged sexual abuse of female detainees.
Iran FM calls out CNN’s propaganda on Iran, rejects ‘torture’ allegations
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