Palestine2 months ago
Ireland, Norway, Spain formally recognize Palestinian state
Ireland, Norway and Spain have formally recognized Palestinian state, irrespective of strong opposition from Israeli authorities to the move.
Ireland, Norway, Spain formally recognize Palestinian state
Politics3 months ago
Iran urges Security Council to address 'belligerent' Israeli atrocities
The UN Security Council must compel Israel to "stop its genocide" in Gaza, Iran's ambassador to the United Nations says.
Iran urges Security Council to address 'belligerent' Israeli atrocities
Politics3 months ago
Syrian envoy: Damascus, Tehran reserve right to respond to Israeli strike
Syria’s ambassador to Russia says Damascus and Tehran reserve the right to respond to the Israeli strike on the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in the Syrian capital.
Syrian envoy: Damascus, Tehran reserve right to respond to Israeli strike
Politics3 months ago
Tehran urges Security Council to condemn terrorist attack in southeast Iran
Iran’s permanent ambassador to the UN urges the Security Council to slam terrorist attacks in the southeastern part of the country.
Tehran urges Security Council to condemn terrorist attack in southeast Iran
Politics4 months ago
Envoy to UN: Iran reserves right to respond to Israeli threats
Tehran has warned the Israeli regime against "military adventurism or malicious activities" in the region.
Envoy to UN: Iran reserves right to respond to Israeli threats
Politics5 months ago
Iran delivers protest note to Kuwaiti envoy over Arash gas field
Iran hands down a protest note to the Kuwaiti ambassador over his country’s unilateral claims over the Arash natural gas field in the Persian Gulf waters.
Iran delivers protest note to Kuwaiti envoy over Arash gas field
Politics5 months ago
NAM denounces continuing Israeli onslaught on Gaza: Iran envoy
Zahra Ershadi made the remarks as she read out a statement on behalf of the NAM members at a meeting of the special committee of the United Nations Charter.
NAM denounces continuing Israeli onslaught on Gaza: Iran envoy
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