Koreas6 months ago
North Korean leader revisits flooded area, plans to relocate 15,400 people to capital
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un revisits a flooded area, declaring plans to support those affected by the flood.
North Korean leader revisits flooded area, plans to relocate 15,400 people to capital
Military6 months ago
Russian FM says US-South Korea nuclear plan adds concern
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that the US-South Korea nuclear cooperation guidelines add to security concerns in the region.
Russian FM says US-South Korea nuclear plan adds concern
Koreas8 months ago
North Korea fires at least 10 short-range ballistic missiles into East Sea
North Korea has launched multiple short-range ballistic missiles towards its eastern waters.
North Korea fires at least 10 short-range ballistic missiles into East Sea
Koreas9 months ago
New US-led groups monitoring sanctions on North Korea will fail: Envoy
North Korea’s ambassador to the United Nations Kim Song says US efforts to create new sanctions monitoring groups will fail.
New US-led groups monitoring sanctions on North Korea will fail: Envoy
Koreasone year ago
Kim says S Korea ‘number one hostile state’, unification no longer possible
North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, calls for constitutional change to identify the south as “number one hostile state.”
Kim says S Korea ‘number one hostile state’, unification no longer possible
News Bulletinone year ago
North Korea beefs up weapons, troops on border after military pact suspended
North Korea has deployed soldiers and heavy weapons at guard posts near the border with South Korea.
North Korea beefs up weapons, troops on border after military pact suspended
Koreasone year ago
North Korea slams France's ‘gunboat diplomacy’
North Korea condemns France's "gunboat diplomacy" urging it to stop "dangerous actions" that threaten peace in the region.
North Korea slams France's ‘gunboat diplomacy’
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