News Bulletin6 months ago
Activists unveil giant banner in Madrid to demand ceasefire in Gaza
Activists demanding ceasefire in Gaza unfurl a giant picture of a Palestinian child crying for help above the entrance to Madrid's Reina Sofia museum.
Activists unveil giant banner in Madrid to demand ceasefire in Gaza
Palestineone year ago
No justice 20 years after Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by Israeli bulldozer
Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Israeli regime’s murder of Rachel Corrie, an American pro-Palestine activist, in the Gaza Strip.
No justice 20 years after Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by Israeli bulldozer
Moreone year ago
Rights groups decry 'repressive' jail term for Australian climate change activist
Many prominent Australian rights groups and climate activists have condemned the jail sentence handed to Deanna Violet Coco, a 32-year-old member of the climate activist group Fireproof Australia.
Rights groups decry 'repressive' jail term for Australian climate change activist
Saudi Arabiaone year ago
Wife of jailed Saudi rights activist raises alarm about his life
The wife of a jailed Saudi political activist expresses deep concern over the fate of her husband after losing touch with him on October 23.
Wife of jailed Saudi rights activist raises alarm about his life
Palestine2 years ago
Palestinian Authority releases accused assassins of activist
The Palestinian Authority (PA) grants bail to 14 members of its security forces, who have been accused of assassinating a prominent activist.
Palestinian Authority releases accused assassins of activist
Palestine2 years ago
Pro-Israeli lobbies pressure Canada to expel Palestinian activist
A Canada-based Palestinian rights activist says he has been targeted by a smear campaign by pro-Israeli pressure groups.
Pro-Israeli lobbies pressure Canada to expel Palestinian activist
Palestine2 years ago
New report reveals details of Palestinian activist’s death in custody
An Al Jazeera report reveals details of the murder of a Palestinian political activist and human rights defender at the hands of Palestinian security forces.
New report reveals details of Palestinian activist’s death in custody
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