Yahya Saree
Palestineone month ago
Yemeni forces hit 2 Israel-linked ships in Red Sea, Indian Ocean in support of Palestine
The Yemeni Armed Forces strike two Israel-linked ships in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.
Yemeni forces hit 2 Israel-linked ships in Red Sea, Indian Ocean in support of Palestine
Yemenone month ago
Yemeni forces strike commercial vessel, US aircraft carrier Eisenhower
Yemeni naval forces have carried out two separate maritime time operations against a commercial vessel and the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower in solidarity with Palestinians, and in response to US and British strikes on Yemen.
Yemeni forces strike commercial vessel, US aircraft carrier Eisenhower
Iraqone month ago
Iraqi resistance group asks Israelis to evacuate or face attack
A major Iraqi resistance group has called on Israeli settlers on the northern side of the 1948 occupied territories to evacuate or face a full-scale attack.
Iraqi resistance group asks Israelis to evacuate or face attack
News Headlinesone month ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 2:00 GMT, 2024.
Press TV's news headlines
Palestine2 months ago
Yemen hits cargo vessels, warships in Red Sea and Indian Ocean
Yemenis attack five ships, including two US warships, in the Red Sea and in the Indian Ocean.
Yemen hits cargo vessels, warships in Red Sea and Indian Ocean
Palestine2 months ago
Yemen’s army hits vessel, US warship in latest pro-Palestine operation
An army statement said Yemen will continue operations in solidarity with the Palestinian people until the genocide in Gaza stops.
Yemen’s army hits vessel, US warship in latest pro-Palestine operation
Yemen2 months ago
Yemeni forces target 3 Israeli-linked ships in Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean
The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces says the army has launched attacks on three ships linked to Israel.
Yemeni forces target 3 Israeli-linked ships in Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean
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