More8 days ago
Kenya bans protests against US-backed austerity imposed by IMF
The Kenyan government calls for an end to weeks of protests and police prohibit demonstrations in central Nairobi, citing infiltration by criminal gangs.
Kenya bans protests against US-backed austerity imposed by IMF
Reports20 days ago
Pakistan’s Shia Ulema Council threatens protests against govt.
The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in Pakistan or Shia Uleama Council held a conference.
Pakistan’s Shia Ulema Council threatens protests against govt.
Persian Gulfone month ago
Yemenis, Bahrainis come out in force in support of Gazans
Yemenis and Bahrainis come out in force in their respective countries, voicing support for war-hit Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Yemenis, Bahrainis come out in force in support of Gazans
France2 months ago
France to send 1,000 more forces to New Caledonia amid protests
France says it will send some 1,000 more security personnel to its Pacific territory of New Caledonia.
France to send 1,000 more forces to New Caledonia amid protests
Economic Divide2 months ago
No tech for apartheid Israel
There have been protests by employees of Google for a project that Amazon and Google have with Israel.
No tech for apartheid Israel
News Bulletin2 months ago
Students set up tent camp at Turin university in support of Palestinians
Dozens of pro-Palestinian students set up an encampment at Turin Polytechnic University to protest Israel's war in Gaza.
Students set up tent camp at Turin university in support of Palestinians
News Headlines2 months ago
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