United Kingdom
France4 months ago
Right to protest ‘at risk’ in Europe, UN expert warns
A United Nations expert has warned that environmental activists in Europe are encountering growing hostility.
Right to protest ‘at risk’ in Europe, UN expert warns
Palestine Declassified4 months ago
Zionist Labour to lose
In this show, we'll be analyzing the prospects for pro-Palestine candidates who'll be standing against mainstream political parties in the upcoming British general election.
Zionist Labour to lose
Palestine5 months ago
Behind the curtain: How British spy agencies aid Israeli genocide in Gaza
Since the launch of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza, Britain has dramatically increased its military and intelligence support for the regime by recruiting spies, engaging military firms or supplying arms.
Behind the curtain: How British spy agencies aid Israeli genocide in Gaza
Defense5 months ago
'US, allies' academia collaborated with Iran university on drone research'
Report says academics from prestigious universities in the US, the UK, and Australia collaborated with a prominent Iranian university on drone research.
'US, allies' academia collaborated with Iran university on drone research'
Palestine6 months ago
US, UK assault on Yemen shows who's pulling the strings in Gaza
Western hegemonic entities, led by the United States and the United Kingdom, today decided to attack Yemen in a theatrical show of force to satisfy their power lust and pretend that they are still in control of the world.
US, UK assault on Yemen shows who's pulling the strings in Gaza
Palestine8 months ago
Gaza shows resistance key to break free from West's hegemonic ecosystem
Gaza has demonstrated the birth of a new phenomenon that shows how individuals and groups can break free from the structural clutches of Western hegemonic ecosystem through resistance.
Gaza shows resistance key to break free from West's hegemonic ecosystem
Palestine10 months ago
Palestinian PM urges UK to recognize State of Palestine
The Palestinian PM urged the UK to recognize an independent Palestinian state and support its full UN membership.
Palestinian PM urges UK to recognize State of Palestine
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