Barack Obama
Featureone year ago
A look at US legacy of abuse at Guantanamo as calls grow for its closure
Since the infamous Guantanamo detention facility was set up by the George Bush administration in Cuba in 2002, after the invasion of Afghanistan and before the invasion of Iraq, it has been synonymous with abuse, torture and injustice.
A look at US legacy of abuse at Guantanamo as calls grow for its closure
Foreign Policyone year ago
Moscow bans 500 Americans, including Obama, from entering Russia
Russia has banned 500 Americans, including former US President Barack Obama from entering the country.
Moscow bans 500 Americans, including Obama, from entering Russia
Viewpointone year ago
Ghani's capitulation and Taliban's resurgence one year ago
A year after he cowardly fled the country, leaving millions of people who had voted him to power in limbo, former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is trying to play a martyr.
Ghani's capitulation and Taliban's resurgence one year ago
Foreign Policy2 years ago
Trump: Israel losing ‘absolute power over Congress’
Trump said that Israel's "absolute power over Congress" had declined under the Obama administration and has slid further under the Biden administration.
Trump: Israel losing ‘absolute power over Congress’
Foreign Policy2 years ago
Obama: ‘Time is really running out’ for climate action
Former US President Barack Obama has said that “time is really running out” to contain global warming.
Obama: ‘Time is really running out’ for climate action
Politics2 years ago
Obama accuses Republicans of trying to 'rig elections'
Former US president Barack Obama has accused Republicans of attempting to rig elections and to prevent Americans from voting.
Obama accuses Republicans of trying to 'rig elections'
IN-DEPTH2 years ago
Afghanistan graveyard of empires
The longest war in United States history, has come at a cost of over $2.2 trillion, with around three and a half thousand NATO troops killed and more importantly, over 50,000 Afghan civilians killed, a conservative estimate, has millions displaced or turned into refugees.
Afghanistan graveyard of empires
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