World War
IN-DEPTHone year ago
Chinese Weather balloon shot down by US
The journey of a Chinese weather balloon across the United States, which has now been shot down by a highly advanced US fighter jet, had gripped the world's attention.
Chinese Weather balloon shot down by US
Interviewsone year ago
'US will be the first country to pull the nuclear trigger'
The United States will be the first country to pull the nuclear trigger, an American academic and political commentator has warned.  
'US will be the first country to pull the nuclear trigger'
Foreign Policy2 years ago
Day 59: German chancellor warns against direct Russia-NATO confrontation
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has warned that NATO must avoid a direct military confrontation with Russia that could lead to a third world war.
Day 59: German chancellor warns against direct Russia-NATO confrontation
Reports2 years ago
Experts warn NATO expansion could trigger WWIII
Security experts warn a move by EU nations Finland and Sweden to join NATO could potentially trigger a new world war.
Experts warn NATO expansion could trigger WWIII
Reports3 years ago
British general warns WWIII might break out
The head of the UK armed forces has warned if current, smaller conflicts escalate out of control, drawing in more countries and weapons, world war three might break out.
British general warns WWIII might break out
Interviews5 years ago
US invasion on Iran will ignite WWIII: Scholar
If the US takes an offensive action against Iran, it might well ignite World War III, because Russia and China cannot stand by and see the Islamic Republic attacked by the West, a US academic says.
US invasion on Iran will ignite WWIII: Scholar
Interviews7 years ago
‘US preparing for war with North Korea’
The US military’s recent missile and nuclear bomb tests coupled with Trump’s meeting with all members of Senate indicate Washington’s preparation for war with North Korea, an analyst says.
‘US preparing for war with North Korea’
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