US government
Palestine9 months ago
US police gets billions more to crush movement against imperialism, Zionism
If there is one thing Americans can count on, it is their elected officials splurging billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money on war - not just abroad, but at home as well.
US police gets billions more to crush movement against imperialism, Zionism
Yemenone year ago
Congress blasts ‘unconstitutional’ US strikes on Yemen, says bypassed by Biden
US lawmakers slam the Biden administration’s decision to attack Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement without seeking congressional approval.
Congress blasts ‘unconstitutional’ US strikes on Yemen, says bypassed by Biden
Politicsone year ago
Iran court orders US, entities to pay $50bn for Gen. Soleimani assassination
An Iranian court has ordered the US government as well as several individuals and entities to pay a sum of $49.77 billion in damages for their roles in the assassination of Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
Iran court orders US, entities to pay $50bn for Gen. Soleimani assassination
We the Peopleone year ago
Blazing Hawaii
Blazing wildfire in Hawaii took the lives of more than 114 people.
Blazing Hawaii
On The News Lineone year ago
Fitch downgrades US Govt’s AAA credit rating by a notch
The American rating agency Fitch has downgraded the US government’s triple-A credit rating by one notch, sparking concerns among investors.
Fitch downgrades US Govt’s  AAA credit rating by a notch
InfoClipsone year ago
Fitch downgrades US govt.’s AAA credit rating by one notch
The American rating agency Fitch has downgraded the US government’s triple-A credit rating by one notch, creating concern among investors.
Fitch downgrades US govt.’s AAA credit rating by one notch
Foreign Policyone year ago
N. Koreans hold huge anti-US rally marking Korea War anniv.
Over 100,000 North Koreans take part in anti-US rallies marking the anniversary of the Korean war and vowing revenge against “US imperialism.”
N. Koreans hold huge anti-US rally marking Korea War anniv.
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