Politics15 days ago
Prisoner swap exposes Israel’s defeat, Gazans’ victory: Iran Army chief
The chief commander of the Iranian Army says the prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas exposes Israel’s defeat and the Palestinian people’s victory.
Prisoner swap exposes Israel’s defeat, Gazans’ victory: Iran Army chief
Defense22 days ago
Iran Army ground forces kick off offensive, security drill
The ground forces of the Iranian Army hold the first phase of an offensive and mobile security exercise.
Iran Army ground forces kick off offensive, security drill
Defense22 days ago
Iran Army Ground Forces to hold sophisticated exercises in western regions
Iran's Army Ground Forces will hold a set of sophisticated exercises in the country's west.
Iran Army Ground Forces to hold sophisticated exercises in western regions
Defense29 days ago
Iran Army Ground Force launches extensive security, offensive drills
The Iranian Army's Ground Forces launch extensive drills near the country’s borders and beyond.
Iran Army Ground Force launches extensive security, offensive drills
Defenseone month ago
Iran Army unveils ‘daunting’ laser-powered air defense system guarding nuclear sites
Iran’s Army unveils a state-of-the-art laser-powered air defense system during its Air Defense Forces’ military maneuvers in the country’s western and northern areas.
Iran Army unveils ‘daunting’ laser-powered air defense system guarding nuclear sites
Defenseone month ago
1,000 strategic, anti-fortification drones join Iran Army arsenal
As many as 1,000 strategic, stealth, and anti-fortification unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) join the Iranian Army’s Combat Organization.
1,000 strategic, anti-fortification drones join Iran Army arsenal
Defenseone month ago
Iran deploys troops to western, eastern borders: Top commander
A senior Iranian Army commander says the Islamic Republic has deployed several brigades of ground forces on the Western and Eastern borders of the country to maintain its security and preserve its territorial integrity.
Iran deploys troops to western, eastern borders: Top commander
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