US presidential election
Politics2 years ago
Hillary Clinton: US standing on precipice of losing democracy
Former US Secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton​​​​​​​ says the United States is on the brink of losing its democracy.
Hillary Clinton: US standing on precipice of losing democracy
Politics3 years ago
Electoral college picks Biden amid protests and threats
The United States Electoral College has voted Joe Biden to be the president-elect over incumbent Donald Trump.
Electoral college picks Biden amid protests and threats
2020 ELECTIONS3 years ago
States targeted in Texas bid to overturn US election decry ‘bogus claims’
The attorneys general for Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia have asked the Supreme Court to reject a Texas lawsuit to overturn the results of the November 3 presidential election,
States targeted in Texas bid to overturn US election decry ‘bogus claims’
Viewpoint3 years ago
80% of US partisan losers think the last 2 elections were stolen
That’s a shocking headline, but true: Many are aware that 90% of Republicans currently agree that Joe Biden "did not legitimately win the election” due to vote fraud, but how many remember that as late as 2018 70% of Democrats believed that “Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to help Donald Trump get elected president.”
80% of US partisan losers think the last 2 elections were stolen
Politics3 years ago
Intimidation: Trump campaign videotaping voters at ballot boxes
The Trump campaign has been videotaping voters at Philadelphiaballot boxes in what city officials say amounts to illegal voter intimidation.
Intimidation: Trump campaign videotaping voters at ballot boxes
2020 ELECTIONS3 years ago
Are US elections democratic?
The winner of US presidential elections is not always the candidate who wins the most votes nationally, as Hillary Clinton learned four years ago.
Are US elections democratic?
IN-DEPTH3 years ago
The US electoral system revealed
The United States uses a system known as the Electoral College system to elect a president once every four years; however, many people are in the dark as to what that means and how it works.
The US electoral system revealed
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