Defense10 months ago
Iran nabs saboteur targeting data network in major industrial park
Iranian intelligence forces have captured an individual responsible for acts of sabotage against a major industrial park in the country’s central province of Isfahan.
Iran nabs saboteur targeting data network in major industrial park
Spotlight10 months ago
Botched anti-Iran plots
The Western world, in particular the US, has been at the forefront of leading a maximum-pressure campaign against Iran.
Botched anti-Iran plots
IN-DEPTH10 months ago
Israel's failed anti-Iran defense systems plot
Iran has thwarted an Israel plot to sabotage Iran's defense industry, including its missile systems; the biggest military sabotage attempt against Iran in the past 100 years.
Israel's failed anti-Iran defense systems plot
On The News Line10 months ago
Israel's failed anti-Iran plot
Iran has recently accused Israeli Spy Agency Mossad of wanting to sabotage its defense industry, particularly its missiles.
Israel's failed anti-Iran plot
Spotlight10 months ago
Foiled sabotage
Iran foils one of the biggest military sabotage attempts against it by Israel in the past 100 years.
Foiled sabotage
News Headlines10 months ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 09:00 GMT, September, 01 2023
Press TV's news headlines
Military11 months ago
UK spy agency formed Ukraine sabotage team for Africa deployment
UK's MI6 prepared a Ukrainian task force to conduct sabotage operations in Africa, according to an unnamed military source.
UK spy agency formed Ukraine sabotage team for Africa deployment
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