Turkey3 years ago
Turkey urges action against racism on anniv. of Hanau attacks
Turkey calls on Europe to take action against racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia, as the country is set to mark one year since terrorist attacks in Germany’s western city of Hanau.
Turkey urges action against racism on anniv. of Hanau attacks
IN-DEPTH3 years ago
Controversial French law hinders police accountability
The French parliament has voted to approve a controversial law that will ban the publication of pictures of on-duty police officers exercising their duties.
Controversial French law hinders police accountability
Reports3 years ago
Plan to tackle growing racism in EU unveiled
The European Commission has launched a new anti-racism action plan. The move comes as reports of religious intolerance, xenophobia and hate crimes spike in the bloc.
Plan to tackle growing racism in EU unveiled
IN-DEPTH3 years ago
The American Dream Unravels
The US promised the ‘American Dream’ to many following the end of World War II, yet, today, the story is very different, with many people being pushed into forced labour or sexual exploitation.
The American Dream Unravels
Brazil4 years ago
UN chief warns against ‘tsunami of hatred’ amid pandemic
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the coronavirus pandemic has unleashed “a tsunami of hatred” across the world.
UN chief warns against ‘tsunami of hatred’ amid pandemic
Reports4 years ago
Concern grows in EU over Coronavirus threat
The European Commission says it is working around the clock to assist EU countries to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading. Italy has the largest number of confirmed cases in Europe. 
Concern grows in EU over Coronavirus threat
Foreign Policy4 years ago
Rights groups: Trump admin advancing xenophobic agenda
Rights groups slam US President Trump’s expansion of controversial travel ban, saying the administration is advancing a xenophobic agenda.
Rights groups: Trump admin advancing xenophobic agenda
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