credit rating
Business5 years ago
Saudi credit rating cut in face of ‘further threats’
A major international agency has cut Saudi credit rating citing risk of further oil attacks.
Saudi credit rating cut in face of ‘further threats’
Economy7 years ago
UK credit rating at risk of downgrade
The UK’s credit rating could be downgraded again if the government fails to retain access to the European single market, a leading ratings agency has warned.
UK credit rating at risk of downgrade
Interviews8 years ago
'Financialization of economy has bankrupted US, EU'
An analyst says the financialization of economy has bankrupted both the European Union and the United States.
'Financialization of economy has bankrupted US, EU'
Economy8 years ago
UK loses top AAA credit rating
Credit ratings agencies are ripping into Britain’s creditworthiness following the Brexit vote.
UK loses top AAA credit rating
Economy8 years ago
UK credit outlook lowered over Brexit
A leading credit ratings agency has demoted Britain’s credit ranking in the wake of UK’s vote to exit the EU.
UK credit outlook lowered over Brexit
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