Broadcast the web19 days ago
Zionism's war on Judaism
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro joins Dan Cohen to discuss how Judaism and Zionism are complete opposites.
Zionism's war on Judaism
Palestine Declassified25 days ago
How BICOM shills for genocide
This episode looks at how Britain Israel Communications and Research Center (BICOM) serves the interests of Zionists at the expense of Britain's democracy.
How BICOM shills for genocide
Feature26 days ago
Exposed: How the corporate media in West is suborned by Zionist influence
The infiltration of Zionists in the Western media is a significant issue that manifestly helps to protect Zionist narratives from challenges on top of structural dominance.
Exposed: How the corporate media in West is suborned by Zionist influence
Eye on Islam27 days ago
Eid al Mubahala and interfaith
In celebration of Eid Al Mubahala, the guests discuss the importance of character while engaging in debate.
Eid al Mubahala and interfaith
Exposé29 days ago
Hezbollah's Hudhud saga
Hezbollah's "Hudhud saga" has left Zionist Israelis and their Western supporters anxious.
Hezbollah's Hudhud saga
Palestine Declassifiedone month ago
How the Media are colonised by Zionism
The Israeli regime has colonized the mainstream media.
How the Media are colonised by Zionism
IN-DEPTHone month ago
Negative impact of Zionism on British politics
An event was held at the university town of Bristol, a crash course in modern Zionism and how to oppose that imperialist ideology, with the speakers encouraging Palestinian Liberation supporters to do more than empathizing.
Negative impact of Zionism on British politics
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