oil tankers
Palestine6 months ago
Two Israeli tankers targeted by ‘unidentified’ drones off Maldives
Two Israeli-owned oil tankers have reportedly been targeted by “unidentified drones” off the Maldives.
Two Israeli tankers targeted by ‘unidentified’ drones off Maldives
In a nutshell10 months ago
Battle in the high seas
UK marines illegally seized an Iranian oil cargo off the coast of Gibraltar in July 2019.
Battle in the high seas
Defense10 months ago
Iran seizes two foreign tankers smuggling fuel in Persian Gulf
Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy has seized two foreign oil tankers smuggling fuel in the Persian Gulf.
Iran seizes two foreign tankers smuggling fuel in Persian Gulf
Defenseone year ago
‘Iran made no attempt to seize oil tankers in Persian Gulf’
Iran made no attempt to seize oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, an informed Iranian defense source has told Iranian Persian-language media.
‘Iran made no attempt to seize oil tankers in Persian Gulf’
Defenseone year ago
US to bolster military ‘posture’ in Persian Gulf amid tensions with Iran
The US says it has decided to make certain military moves in the Persian Gulf after Iran seized two invading foreign oil tankers in the country’s territorial waters.
US to bolster military ‘posture’ in Persian Gulf amid tensions with Iran
Yemenone year ago
‘Saudi-led coalition continues acts of piracy against Yemen amid UN inaction’
A top Yemeni energy official says the Saudi-led coalition continues its acts of piracy against the impoverished Arab country in the face of the United Nations’ inaction.
‘Saudi-led coalition continues acts of piracy against Yemen amid UN inaction’
Syriaone year ago
US occupation troops continue to smuggle Syrian oil into Iraq
The US occupation forces have sent 37 tankers laden with stolen Syrian oil from Syria's northeastern province of Hasakah to neighboring Iraq.
US occupation troops continue to smuggle Syrian oil into Iraq
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